The HCI Society of Korea
IEEE Daejeon Section
Daejeon International Marketing Enterprise
Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Center of Human-centered interaction for Coexistence

Papers submitted to ISUVR 2013 will be evaluated on the basis of originality, technical correctness, overall appeal to the general ISUVR reader, and presentation. Papers submitted must not have been previously published nor currently under review for any publication with an ISBN, ISSN, or DOI number.  All reviewers will be instructed to keep submissions confidential, although submissions must be publishable by the camera-ready deadline. Papers for ISUVR2012 is up to 4 pages (2 columns).  Papers should be submitted through ISUVR 2013 homepage.  Accepted paper will be published by published by Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and submitted to IEEE Xplore (TM) and CSDL digital libraries.  All submissions should be formatted according to their guidelines.  One author from each accepted paper will be required to attend the symposium to present their work.  To attend ISUVR 2013, you may register through our website on-line registration.

In ISUVR 2013, we aim at exchanging new ideas and intensive discussion on ubiquitous virtual reality.
All the authors of accepted paper will have 15-20 minites presentations.
All the accepted papers will be
  •  Published by Conference Publishing Services.
  •  Submitted to IEEE Xplore(TM) and CSDL Digital Libraries.
  •  IEEE reserves the right not to publish any proceedings that do not meet required standeards and
      no guarantee may be made on the website of any conference.

| Paper Length |
   1 page including text and figures
   (300 words limit except title, author information,
    and references)

| Paper Format |
   Same format of regular paper

- Please use "Submission format" (PDF), (CPS Link)
  to submit your paper abstract to submission system.
- There is no need to submit your abstract paper
  with Powerpoint Presentation (PPT).

| Paper Length |
- About 200 words abstract describing the followings:
  title, authors, objectives, story, Youtube video link
  etc. must be submitted through the following
  online submission system at
. After login the online submission
  system, choose an option “video competition.”
- An actual movie clip must be submitted through
  YouTube and it must be public to be watched
  by anyone.
- All submitted materials: abstracts, captions,
  and narrations on movie clips must be English.
  An abstract must be in PDF format with embedded
- VC CFP Link

| Paper Format |
   Same format of regular paper

- Please use "Submission format" (PDF), (CPS Link
  to submit your video abstract to submission system.

| Paper Length |
   Papers accepted for the symposium will be allocated
   4 pages in the proceedings.

| Paper Format |
   Please use the 8.5" x 11", two-column format
   (PDF), (CPS Link).  The complete IEEE PDF
   specification document can be found at:

| Double Blind Review |
   ISUVR 2013 reviewing is double blind.  Authors do
   not know the names of reviewers of their papers,
   and the reviewers do not know the names of the
   authors either.  Thus, the paper should not contain
   any information about the name and the affiliations
   of the authors.

| File Format |
   Only PDF format is acceptable.

| Paper Length |
   1 page including abstract, title, author information

| Paper Format |
   Same format of regular paper

- Please use "Submission format" (PDF), (CPS Link)
  to submit your poster to submission system.
- Please use "Presentation format" (PPT)
  to present your poster on conference site.

Go to ISUVR Paper/Poster
Submission System !!